Marketing Danny Denhard Marketing Danny Denhard

One More Question Podcast

This is my One More Question Podcast appearance, Ross and I broke down the modern-day Marketing world, what the business impact of Marketing is really and how the creator space is leading the way for brands to improve their products and the connection with their customers.

So Why Listen?

  • Why being a brand and standing out is an active business decision

  • Why Performance Marketing vs Brand Marketing isn’t versus it is and always has to be and - if it’s not you are building a brand ready to disappear

  • Grasp the importance of your utility level as a company and develop this out within your messaging and growth action plan

  • Understand that the delivery company you choose to deliver your customer orders is a reflection on your company and your brand, your first experience will be your last if your delivery is impacted

  • Why my coach+ product is popular and why coaching is critically important to Marketing and Growth team successes

  • Nostalgia is always going to be essential in Marketing but many overlook it or don’t see the power of the archive

  • Understand the power of generational brands

  • Why being a brand not a bland is critical in winning your customers

  • Learn why brands can go hyper-personalised to beat out competition (a handwritten thank you note will scale for you to win and stand out)

  • “Brand” is a tribe and tribal - it is critical to understand when to build a tribe or ask customers to join your tribe

  • Be bold to win - that has to be a business decision

  • Why community brands could be the next big

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Coaching Danny Denhard Coaching Danny Denhard

Is It Time To Dust Off RIP To The CMO Deck & Update For 2024?

Why Chief Growth Officers Are In Demand & Why The CMO Role Has Lost Some Of Its Influence

Recently there has been discussion around the CMO role and how the CGO role is what Marketing leaders do. This is inside the CMO community and at board and founder level.

Interestingly, this was not what I found back in 2019 when I keynoted a Marketing conference with RIP To The CMO and it is still very different to what most CMO roles are and what their outputs are.

Having held both the CMO CGO titles, coached both (And Product leaders) and advised company leaders and founders on what to hire for the roles are different, in the best CGOs - they understand Product, they blend the best of both worlds (Marketing & Product) and understand how to get the most out of the Product, improve the Product features (some even write the tickets) and get the most out of development teams and communicate this across the business.

The below deck is a quick breakdown of speaking to 20+ CMOs across 2019 and exploring how the role was and still is being disrupted, how the CMO will continue to be rebranded and what the future struggles might be if the CMO struggles to influence and own the traditional 4c’s and 4p’s.

The question now is 🤔 - Do I need to update for 2024? I think I might just have to

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