Book Your Expert Call

Have you ever wished you had access to an expert with on-demand expert calls?

I offer 1-2 hour calls to help guide businesses with Marketing department issues, Growth issues, metrics discussions, Marketplace deep dives and Peer-To-Peer Crowdfunding.

If you have ever used GLG or AlphaSense - I offer a dedicated system without the middle person and additional mark up.

Who Have I Helped On Expert Calls?

  • I have helped VCs, startups and household brands:

    • improve their performance,

    • improved their product offering,

    • build a better understanding of their competitors and helped them to auto the process,

    • understand how to run more effective competitor analysis

    • how M&A works in their space

    • improve the metrics they collect

    • drive their departments forward with the right north stars

  • As simple as dropping me an email and arranging a video call. We will set 60 - 120 minutes and then send an invoice to pay

  • Expert calls can be arranged as quickly as an hour but typically takes a couple of days to find a shared available slot

  • Yes! Often businesses will hire me for an advisory course or will ask me to coach a department lead or coach their department.