The Art Of Viral While Causing Mischief

Why Gabriel Whaley from MSCHF Sharing His Success Might Be Your Blueprint For Success

MSCHF have had numerous viral hits and this podcast (video above) explains some essential principles many would not share or explain.

Watch to learn:

  • How an internship at Buzzfeed led to a side hustle and engineering MSCHF

  • How to think differently to break out

  • Building something extreme, big and bolder is going to get more appeal and more shares driving more eyeballs

  • Creating something people cannot buy is bigger than something they can

  • Why viral hits is more remixing and re-engineering the weird and the wild together

  • Why you have to change with how the internet shifts and actually works from wanting:

    • (1) mass social sharing to flood newsfeeds → (2) mass PR sharing → (3) mass influencer sharing → (4) screenshots being shared in the most important group chats (think more than just iMessage & WhatsApp) → the next workings of the web



The Importance Of Audio & The Connected Attention Needed


Create The Shareable Moments Within Your Product To Standout